The 2020 Charlottesville CBC took place on Sunday, December 20, operating under strict Covid19 guidellines. It was a pleasant day, cloudy in the morning with sunshine in the afternoon, minimal winds, … [Continue reading] Report: Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count, 2020

CCBC Sector Map and Captains
submitted by Jenny Gaden, CCBC Compiler The circle for Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count is now divided into eight sectors to better cover its 15 mile diameter area. A map showing the sectors … [Continue reading] CCBC Sector Map and Captains
2017 Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count Report
Submitted by Jenny Gaden The 2017 C’ville CBC took place Sunday, December 17. The weather was cooperative - a fair day with temperatures from 32 – 48 degrees F, and no wind to speak of. Forty-two … [Continue reading] 2017 Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count Report

House Finch of a Different Feather
I was not aware of the yellow-orange variant of HOFI when we found this bird on a wire on Anna Maria Island, FL, doing the CBC. At first I thought (hoped) it might be a Caribbean bird, or might be an … [Continue reading] House Finch of a Different Feather
2016 Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count (CBC)
By Jenny Gaden, Charlottesville CBC Compiler The 2016 Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Sunday, December 18. We will join tens of thousands of other volunteers around … [Continue reading] 2016 Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count (CBC)