Wednesday, Sep 04, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Education Building at Ivy Creek Natural Area
At Ivy Creek
Wildlife Crossings and other Wildlife Crash Countermeasures: Research and Initiatives in Virginia
An unprecedented number of laws and policy tools have been established in the U.S in recent years to reduce wildlife crashes and restore habitat connectivity across roads. This presentation will provide information on the scale of wildlife-vehicle collisions in Virginia and examples of effective measures to reduce these crashes. Discussed will be summaries of research and implemented countermeasures in Virginia that apply to wildlife ranging from salamanders to elk (and yes, we now have elk in Virginia!). Whether you’re a practitioner hoping to learn about measures to increase driver safety, or an outdoor enthusiast, you will learn about existing and future efforts in Virginia to benefit drivers and wildlife.
Bridget Donaldson is an associate principal research scientist with the Virginia Transportation Research Council, the research division of the Virginia Department of Transportation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Colorado and an MS in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Tennessee. She conducts a variety of research and implementation projects on measures to reduce the environmental impacts from transportation projects, and is particularly interested in road ecology and wildlife crash countermeasures.