Wednesday, Oct 05, 2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Bahama Parrot: Behavior and Conservation
The Bahama Parrot (Amazona leucocephala bahamensis) is most likely the closest endemic parrot still extant to most of us. The Bahama Parrot can be found on three Islands of the Bahamas but the one we will focus on is the Abaco population. This remarkable bird has adapted remarkably well to this Island even though all tree cavities suitable to nesting were removed during the early 1900’s. Limestone cavities on the Island made a great alternative to tree cavities, and I would argue, make better nests than the traditional tree cavities. During this presentation, we will certainly discuss this unique behavior, but also the conservation status of the Bahama Parrot, and how the recent major hurricanes in the archipelago have affected the future outlook for the Bahama Parrot.
Caroline Stahala is Audubon Florida’s Seabird/Shorebird Program Manager for the Florida panhandle. At Audubon Florida her focus is on conservation of local coastal bird species. She works with local municipalities and partners to implement seabird conservation measures, educating locals, garnering support for local nesting and wintering seabirds, and overseeing survey and monitoring efforts. Caroline has been involved in various bird conservation programs for over 20 years. She holds a Ph.D. from Florida State University in Ecology and Evolution where she focused on the behavioral ecology of tropical bird species. Caroline also has experience working for national and international government organizations on bird related issues. She has worked on conservation issues for a broad range of bird species including, songbirds, woodpecker species, parrots, seabirds, and shorebirds.