UPDATE(9/20/2020): Members have received an email with a link to vote on the name. If you did not receive an email and wish to vote, contact [email protected]. 9/6/2020 Dear … [Continue reading] Changing the Name of Monticello Bird Club

Virtual Field Trip Guide to Chris Greene Lake
Hi - the MBC board has been exploring different ways - and more will be discussed at the upcoming meeting - of engaging with the club during COVID-19. One possibility is the creation of virtual field … [Continue reading] Virtual Field Trip Guide to Chris Greene Lake

Regrettably, no bird seed sale this fall (2020)
Regrettably, the club will not be having a birdseed sale this fall. The board explored several options where we could still offer a sale but because of the continued presence of COVID-19 in the … [Continue reading] Regrettably, no bird seed sale this fall (2020)

I support Black Birders
Letter from the President As the president of Piedmont Virginia Bird Club, I will make a statement with regard to my support for Black Birders. This is in part to provide the background to what I … [Continue reading] I support Black Birders

Results of our first ever virtual field trip
18 people signed up and 11 checklists were submitted on our first-ever virtual field trip this past weekend where we suggested everyone bird on their own wherever they can. Of lists submitted to the … [Continue reading] Results of our first ever virtual field trip