Join us for our December meeting to revive some bird club holiday traditions! Please bring new or lightly-used bird-related items to put on a “share” table. You will be asked to … [Continue reading] Dec 2024 Meeting—PVBC Holiday Traditions

Reminder, no bird seed sale this year
This was covered in the last two meetings so most of you know, but we have been getting inquiries as people are thinking about the cooler weather and feeding birds. We are grateful for the interest … [Continue reading] Reminder, no bird seed sale this year

Annual membership renewal
Dear PVBC members, As you may recall, our fiscal year starts each summer. Your PVBC board has met and has a lot planned for you including the upcoming ever popular Nighthawk event, bird walks, a … [Continue reading] Annual membership renewal

Updated: COVID restrictions
Update: Consistent with Virginia regulations, masking and social distancing requirements for our outdoor events are lifted. However, we do encourage mask use for those not yet fully vaccinated. Please … [Continue reading] Updated: COVID restrictions

The Votes are in: Welcome to the Piedmont Virginia Bird Club
9/30/2020 The votes for our new name are in and tallied! While all member-suggested names received votes, we did have a winner. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Piedmont Virginia Bird Club! … [Continue reading] The Votes are in: Welcome to the Piedmont Virginia Bird Club