Financial highlights of the year were record membership dues, based on an enrollment of 190 members, and near-record birdseed sales. Our financial surplus exceeded budget by $1.3K, which reflects 1) … [Continue reading] TREASURER’S UPDATE
I support Black Birders
Letter from the President As the president of Piedmont Virginia Bird Club, I will make a statement with regard to my support for Black Birders. This is in part to provide the background to what I … [Continue reading] I support Black Birders
May 2020 Meeting Minutes
Monticello Bird Club Zoom Meeting Minutes, 06 May 2020 President Guy Babineau opened the zoom meeting with 70 participants. First timers zooming in included Sara Bon-Harper with her father Peter, … [Continue reading] May 2020 Meeting Minutes
April 2020 Meeting Minutes
Monticello Bird Club Virtual Meeting Minutes: 1 April 2020 The club’s first Zoom meeting had 36 attendees including first-timer Kathy Deacon. Scott Connuck reported on membership with a reminder … [Continue reading] April 2020 Meeting Minutes
Results of our first ever virtual field trip
18 people signed up and 11 checklists were submitted on our first-ever virtual field trip this past weekend where we suggested everyone bird on their own wherever they can. Of lists submitted to the … [Continue reading] Results of our first ever virtual field trip