For December's meeting, the plan is to have a different kind of meeting. Instead of listening to a speaker for 45 mins, some of our PVBC members will share about their experiences with … [Continue reading] Please submit your bird stories for December’s meeting
Annual membership renewal
Dear PVBC members, As you may recall, our fiscal year starts each summer. Your PVBC board has met and has a lot planned for you including the upcoming ever popular Nighthawk event, bird walks, a … [Continue reading] Annual membership renewal
Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2021
Please see the attached financial report for FY21. We decided early in the year to forego the Birdseed Sale this year, due to the pandemic. The pandemic actually helped our membership, and … [Continue reading] Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2021
New Slate of Club Officers for 2021-2022
On June 3, 2021, Guy Babineau, president, sent out the following email to the membership at large. "One of your duties as a member is to approve (or reject) the proposed board members … [Continue reading] New Slate of Club Officers for 2021-2022
Meeting Minutes: May 2021
Club president, Guy Babineau, opened the meeting promptly at 7:00 PM. Membership: Scott Connuck, membership chairperson, reported that the club has 211 paid members, surpassing last year’s total of … [Continue reading] Meeting Minutes: May 2021