Monticello Bird Club is proud to announce its annual Bird Seed Sale. You may order online here through our website or print out our mail-in order form. The Bird Seed Sale is MBC’s only major … [Continue reading] MBC Bird Seed Sale/Fundraiser Is Underway

Hospitality Chair Filled
Thank you, Patty Kalbfleisch, for volunteering to fill the Hospitality chair position recently vacated by the long-serving Kingston "team", Priscilla and Ron. Patty moved to Charlottesville and … [Continue reading] Hospitality Chair Filled

Monthly Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2016
Submited by Lesslie Crowell & Joanne Bricker for Secretary, Peggy Cornett -President Doug Rogers welcomed all 36 attendees, including one newcomer, Janet Kingsley. Doug announced that our … [Continue reading] Monthly Meeting Minutes – September 8, 2016

Thank You, Priscilla!
Fellow members of the Monticello Bird Club, Our Hospitality Chair person of many years, Priscilla Kingston, has resigned. Please join me in expressing our thanks to Priscilla and her … [Continue reading] Thank You, Priscilla!

Treasurer’s Update 09-02-2016