Please see the attached financial report for FY21. We decided early in the year to forego the Birdseed Sale this year, due to the pandemic. The pandemic actually helped our membership, and … [Continue reading] Treasurer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2021

Library Event: Getting Started With Birding by Caroline Bertrand
Club member Caroline Bertrand will cover the basics of birding for anyone interested in this life-enriching recreational activity. Learn how to get started, where to go, how to recognize common birds … [Continue reading] Library Event: Getting Started With Birding by Caroline Bertrand

Report: Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count, 2020
The 2020 Charlottesville CBC took place on Sunday, December 20, operating under strict Covid19 guidellines. It was a pleasant day, cloudy in the morning with sunshine in the afternoon, minimal winds, … [Continue reading] Report: Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count, 2020

Watch Out for Sick and Dead Pine Siskins
Recently, many members of the club have been reporting sightings of sick and dying Pine Siskins at their feeders. It is probable, based on reports elsewhere in the US and Canada, that we are having a … [Continue reading] Watch Out for Sick and Dead Pine Siskins

Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count 2020 Planning (UPDATE)
Its time for Christmas Bird Count planning and things are looking positive. The National Audubon Society asked that all compilers check with their local health departments to assess the local … [Continue reading] Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count 2020 Planning (UPDATE)