Congratulations to club member Albert Connette and local birder Dana Wheeles on the recent publication of On Lickinghole Creek. From the publisher's website: This story, written by Albert … [Continue reading] Albert Connette Publishes “On Lickhinghole Creek”

Stauffer Miller Publishes New Book on Birding in Mexico
Club member Dr. Stauffer Miller recently published a book on his birding travels to Mexico titled, Wings Across the Border: An American's Travels to See Mexico's Birds. From the … [Continue reading] Stauffer Miller Publishes New Book on Birding in Mexico

Volunteer Opportunities in Charlottesville–Will you help?
The Nature Conservancy and the greater Charlottesville community is coming together this spring to help care for, enjoy and celebrate our environment with several events. We need help and … [Continue reading] Volunteer Opportunities in Charlottesville–Will you help?

Please submit your bird stories for December’s meeting
For December's meeting, the plan is to have a different kind of meeting. Instead of listening to a speaker for 45 mins, some of our PVBC members will share about their experiences with … [Continue reading] Please submit your bird stories for December’s meeting

Updated Bird Feeding Recommendations from VA DWR
Here is the latest update from the VA Department of Wildlife on the mystery bird disease. Albemarle County is considered to be an "unaffected area" but please be cautious and on the lookout for signs … [Continue reading] Updated Bird Feeding Recommendations from VA DWR