The Monticello Bird Club
Annual Bird Seed Sale
The Monticello Bird Club Annual Bird Seed Sale is our only fundraising event of the year. The sale proceeds enable our partnerships with the Ivy Creek Natural Area and with Blue Ridge Young Birders Club; and they support our community outreach throughout the year, including educational programs in elementary school classrooms across the region, as well as scholarships to deserving youth for Audubon nature camp and for PVCC Ornithology classes.
Food Type
Black Oil Sunflower Seed
Most birds’ #1 choice! High oil content means high energy for the birds.
Black Oil Sunflower Seed 40 lb
Black Oil Sunflower Seed 25 lb
Select Sunflower Chips
The edible part of the black oil sunflower seed. More expensive, but you pay only for the “food,” not the hull, and you have a lot less mess!
Select Sunflower Chips 20 lb
Striped Sunflower Seed
Larger than the black oil variety.
Striped Sunflower Seed 25 lb
Monticello Gourmet Blend
A special mix of seeds designed for our local birds.
Monticello Gourmet Blend 40 lb
Monticello Gourmet Blend 20 lb
Safflower Seed
Attracts cardinals and is not a favorite of squirrels.
Safflower Seed 25 lb
White Millet
A specialty for ground-feeding birds.
White Millet 25 lb
Nyjer (Thistle) Seed
Especially loved by goldfinches.
Nyjer Seed 10 lb
Finch Favorite
Nyjer + fine chips. Attracts a variety of finches.
Finch Favorite 5 lb
Peanut Splits
Peanut pieces out of the shell.
Peanut Splits 5 lb
Winter Blend
NEW ITEM!! A mix of premium black oil sunflower seeds, coarse sunflower chips, safflower seeds, shelled peanuts, white millet, raisins, shelled pumpkin seeds, apple dices, and cranberries. Something for Every Bird!
Winter Blend 20 lb
Seed Cylinders

Fruit, Berry & Nut Cylinder
Woodpecker Cylinder
Classic Cylinder Holder
Peanut Butter Suet Cakes
Attracts a variety of birds and provides a great deal of energy. Save $$ when you buy the 12 -pack.
Peanut Butter Suet Cakes – Single
Peanut Butter Suet Cakes – 12 Pack
Bluebird Houses
Made locally of quality western red cedar.
Bluebird Houses