Saturday ((9/24) morning’s MBC Field Trip to the beautiful Madison home of Myrlene Staten and Richard Teig was a delight. Our hosts led eleven of us on a meandering walk through varied habitats of pine forest, sunny glades, creekside paths, and open meadows on their 38 acre property. Highlights of the morning included views of a pair of perching and soaring Sharp-shinned Hawks and a Blue Grosbeak. We heard the distinctive, nasal tin horn call of a Red-breasted Nuthatch while in the woods, but never caught the desired glimpse of one. However, we did come across many ornate spiders dangling in their sunlit webs. Here are a two pictures that Doug Rogers shared of same.
After our hike, Myrlene and Richard served us tea and bird-friendly coffee (here’s a link to Birds and Beans online website ; we encourage your support of this bird-friendly coffee company), as we relaxed on their back patio and were treated to lovely views of their backyard native plantings and the spectacular rolling hills beyond. Many thanks to our hosts for their kind hospitality!
And, thanks also to Lesslie Crowell, who diligently compiled the day’s bird list of 25 (maybe 26) species.
Blue Jay
Red-bellied Woodpecker
American Crow
Grey Catbird
Tufted Titmouse
Carolina Wren
Northern Cardinal
2 very backlit, confusing fall warblers -Prairie and possibly Pine or Magnolia
Pileated Woodpecker
Tree Swallow
Broad-winged Hawk
Eastern Bluebird
Blue Grosbeak
Eastern Towhee
American Goldfinch
Red-shouldered Hawk
Mourning Dove
Other flycatcher???
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture
Chimney Swift
Red-tailed Hawk
Northern Mockingbird