Present: Lou Tanner, Doug Rogers, Joanne Bricker, Maynard Davis, Susan Babineau, and Myrlene Staten
Welcome Myrlene Staten, new Membership chair. She came to the meeting with several ideas to boost membership, including targeting new members in the 40-60 year age range. She suggested sponsoring a photo contest, “Birding by Camera,” aimed at adults, possibly members of the Charlottesville Photography Club. The contest could result in an exhibit as well as prizes. Entry in the contest would be contingent on MBC membership. This initiative might be aimed for the spring. Another idea would be to publish MBC birding walks on the Meetup web site. She would also like to give names to membership levels (Mockingbird, Eastern Bluebird, Kestrel, Eagle, etc.). Another means of soliciting new members would be to contact non-members on MBC Facebook. We also considered changing the MBC meeting date to a different week of the month, so as not to conflict with so many other groups like the Photography Club and the Piedmont Landscape Association. To be continued.
Bird Seed Sale: planning is well underway. Doug and Maynard have seed costs already. The Pick-up date is November 5 at the Forestry Department. The seed will arrive at the warehouse on November 2. We discussed and approved a slight mark-up in seed prices from last year, which is still well below retail and other bird club prices. Seed is acquired from Lizzie Mae seed supply. We will advertise on Facebook. Myrlene will ask Doug Coleman about advertising with the Wintergreen Nature Foundation. Doug will ask John Holden about other means of advertising, including PSA. Joanne has the template for the order form. Helpers for Nov. 5 include Janet Paisley, Scott Connick, John Holden, Jenny Gaden, Lou Tanner, John Rocket, Myrlene Staten, along with Doug Rogers and Maynard Davis. Peggy can provide flyers at Monticello’s Heritage Harvest Festival on November 10 and the Center for Historic Plants Open House October 15.
The Bird Conservation Poster Contest planning is on track. The first meeting of the committee is August 24. The budget will be the same as 2015. The reception at ICNA is Dec. 4. Winners will receive a bird feeding set-up or, if that is not needed, then winners will receive a $150-$200 gift certificate at Wild Birds Unlimited.
Programs for 2016-17: Lou Tanner has nine programs confirmed, including the December program by Gabriel Mapel on his birding adventures at Hog Island, which MBC funded. All speakers, except Gabriel, will be paid $125.
Club News Reporter: Joanne Bricker discussed her new title and responsibilities for the redesigned MBC web site. She has been working with Abe Nelson on the new design, which she demonstrated on Doug’s laptop.
Treasurer report: Maynard Davis provided the FY2017 budget, which was approved with a few modifications. [See treasurer’s final budget report]