Wednesday, Oct 04, 2023
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
October Monthly Meeting – David Willey:
30 Years in the Canyons: Spotted Owl Ecology and Management in unique habitats on the Colorado Plateau in the southwestern U.S.
Dave is a Research Assistant Professor in the department of Ecology at Montana State University where he teaches courses in ecology and conducts research on rare bird species. He earned his doctorate from Northern Arizona University, with his research focused on the distribution and population ecology of Mexican Spotted Owls that occur within the Colorado Plateau region. Dave’s long term research interests involve understanding adaptations that have allowed Spotted Owls to thrive within the arid rocky canyon habitats of southern Utah and northern Arizona. He is a member of the Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Team and is currently focused on development of the Colorado Plateau working group whose mission is to implement management actions that will lead to the recovery and long-term success of Spotted Owls in the unique canyon country habitats.