Wednesday, Dec 07, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Speaker: Melissa Hughes, Professor of Biology, Neuroscience, and Women’s and Gender Studies, College of Charleston (South Carolina)
Topic: What’s that bird saying? (And how we can learn to understand them?)
Summary: How do we as bird watchers understand more of what we are hearing when we listen to birds, beyond recognizing species? Melissa will give an introduction to reading sonograms, understanding the distinction between calls and songs, with some chickadee vocalizations as examples. She will discuss song learning & dialects, what song “means” and the sequences of songs.
Bio: Melissa has studied bird songs and calls, primarily in sparrows but also in chickadees and nightingales. She did her graduate work at Duke University, and studied at Princeton and the Free University Berlin before landing at the College of Charleston, where she is a professor of Biology, Neuroscience, and Women’s and Gender Studies. She also studies communication and social behavior in snapping shrimp.