Tuesday, Jul 13, 2021
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
In this virtual Zoom meeting, Baxter Beamer will describe his 2020 Albemarle county “Big Year”, in which he found 228 species between January 1st and December 31st. The presentation will review a year of birding in the age of the Covid 19 pandemic and lockdowns, including how to predict local bird movements due to weather, finding some of Albemarle’s most uncommon bird species, and the importance of an active and coordinated birding community.
Baxter Beamer is an avid student birder from Charlottesville, Virginia. Birding since 2015, he quickly became involved with the Blue Ridge Young Birders Club and eventually served as its president. Other volunteer positions he has held include regional editor for the Virginia Society of Ornithology’s Virginia Birds journal, a counter at Rockfish Gap Hawkwatch, and a reviewer for eBird. He is currently a student at Piedmont Virginia Community College, and is planning on transferring to Virginia Tech to pursue a degree in Wildlife Conservation.