From Jenny Gaden:
The 2019 Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Sunday, December 15. We will join tens of thousands of other volunteers around the country who, over a three-week period, will head out before dawn on a winter day to count the winter birds.
All levels of birders, from beginners to professional scientists, participate in the count. These Citizen Scientists are taking action for conservation. By participating in the National Audubon Society’s CBC they help scientists understand how birds are faring amid unprecedented environmental challenges. The data they collect informs the world about the State of Birds, and provides the information we need to shape their future and ours. The national bird count began in 1900 and the Charlottesville CBC began in 1924.
Each count occurs in a designated circle, 15 miles in diameter, and is organized by a “compiler” — Jenny Gaden for the Charlottesville CBC. Those interested in participating in the count should contact Jenny ([email protected]). If you are an inexperienced birder you will be able to join a more experienced person or group. If you are an experienced birder maybe you might prefer to try a new route in part of the circle which is currently not covered. Be prepared: bring hand and foot warmers if it’s cold, snacks, water, and a camera to support your documentation if you spot a rare bird. Sunday hunting is permitted in Virginia so blaze orange is recommended. Bring also enthusiasm
and a spirit of adventure.
A potluck supper will follow the count at the home of Nancy O’Brien. Directions will be available through the group leaders.
The Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count circle has been divided into eight sectors and each sector has a captain. The captain will be informed where individual routes are located within his/her circle and thus be better able to determine where there might be new routes to explore. The sector captains are:
1. Allen Hale
2. Peter Mehring
3. Janet Paisley
4. Gretchen Gehrett and John Rowlett
5. Jim Childress
6. Guy and Susan Babineau
7. Leigh Surdukowski
8. Lou Tanner
This map shows the circle as well as the sector boundaries.