-Guy Babineau welcomed the thirty-five in attendance.
-Susan Babineau reported on upcoming field trips including the First Saturday walk at Ivy Creek, April 6; a trip to Pleasant Grove Park on the 14th; a visit to Pine Knot with Dave Hogg leading on the 27th; a trip to Bellair Farm on the 28th; and “Birding Before Work” April 29-May 4, 7:00-8:30 AM, at Observatory Hill, Ivy Creek, Riverview Park, and Secluded Farm.
-Two MBC members have offered to fill open board positions for Hospitality and Membership. We still need a News Reporter to step forward.
-Jenny Gaden is leading a conservation committee to give advice to locations such as the YMCA on ways to prevent bird collisions.
-Interesting bird sightings were reported. Jenny Gaden has seen Purple Finches and Pine Siskins. Jenny and Maureen reported Fox Sparrows. Vesper Sparrows and seventeen other species were reported at McIntire and Darden by a new member formerly of the Blue Ridge Young Birders.
-Judge Emily Carter Mitchell proceeded with the judging and presenting of awards for the MBC Bird Photography Contest – Spring 2019.