Susan Babineau, our Field Trip coordinator, has been arranging some great adventures for MBC since she took over the position early last year. She and her MBC President/husband Guy have themselves graciously co-led quite a few trips recently, but they can’t do it all! Susan is hoping to recruit some other club members, in addition to our much appreciated “regulars,” to volunteer to lead a trip or two. So please, do think about volunteering your services as a Field Trip Leader.
Don’t be daunted! You need not be a certified ornithologist or even an experienced birder to do the job. You just need to be willing show up at a specified time and locale to host an enthusiastic “flock” of birders. (And, if you have a favorite birding place or permission to use a private property some-birdy-where, please suggest such a locale to Susan.) If you are not particularly confident in your own birding ID ability, there are guaranteed to be at least a few (often many!) in attendance who can help and support a field trip leader. Remember, it frequently takes a birding village to spot and ID the day’s tally. So if it helps, think of your role as a field trip “host,” and step up to the plate by offering your “hosting” services by contacting Susan at [email protected]. MBC (and Susan!) will greatly appreciate your volunteering.