-President Doug Rogers opened the meeting at 7:00 pm by welcoming visitors and new members. There were thirty-four in attendance.
-Dave Shoch made an announcement about a Black-capped Chickadee irruption in Albemarle County, the first in thirty years, and asked that birders be on the lookout. He detailed the distinguishing characteristics of this species compared to our Carolina Chickadee.
-The MBC board had to cancel its winter meeting on January 7 due to inclement weather. A rescheduled meeting is TBD. Nominations are open for a new Vice President for fiscal year 2017-18.
-Poster contest update: there were eighty-three entries and a number were on exhibit at the Crozet Library. Some were brought to the meeting for members to enjoy.
-Field trips report was given by Doug Rogers in Gabriel’s absence. There were three trips scheduled in January. The Jan. 14th trip to Highland County was cancelled. The trip to Bellaire Farm on the 21st recorded thirty-two species. The trip to Chris Greene Lake on the 28th recorded twenty-four species. There are three trips scheduled in February, including the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel boat trip on Feb. 4th. The trip is filled and they should expect to see: Sea Ducks – Harlequin, Red Head, Scaup; three Scoter species; Northern Gannet; Red-breasted Merganser; Bufflehead; two species of Cormorant; Lesser and Greater Black-backed Gull; Razor Bills; Kittiwake; several more species of gull; and Humpback Whales and Harbor Seals.
-The treasurer’s report was given by Doug for Maynard Davis. To date the club has $690 in the Priscilla Kingston memorial fund. Doug is working with Ron Kingston to decide on an appropriate memorial. The club is projected to end the fiscal year with around $200 surplus.
-Jenny Gaden gave an update on the December 18 Christmas Bird Count Report. The finished tally was reviewed and accepted by Teta Kaine, who congratulated MBC. The weather was good (58-66°F) and eighty-one species were recorded. Starlings ranked #1 with a count of 1,082. Our full report can be found on the National Audubon Society web site by going to this page and entering the location: http://netapp.audubon.org/CBCObservation/CurrentYear/ResultsByCount.aspx
-Secretary Peggy Cornett reported that she saw the Merlin in Belmont Park that has been reported and photographed on the MBC Facebook page. Peggy also mentioned an unusual sighting of a Yellow-breasted Chat at a bird feeder of her friend in Fredericksburg, VA.