Watch the recording of the March meeting presentation: Colonial Waterbird Conservation in the Hampton Roads featuring Sarah Karpanty
Dr. Sarah Karpanty is a professor of fish and wildlife conservation at Virginia Tech. Karpanty entered the world of shorebird conservation in 2004 after earning her B.S. at Miami University and her Ph.D. At Stony Brook University. Sarah and her students have worked and continue to work on Red Knots, Wilson’s Plovers, Piping Plovers, Least Terns, Common Terns, Roseate Terns, Gull-Billed Terns, and Black Skimmers in Hampton Roads and on the Eastern Shore barrier islands.
Her presentation covers the history of colonial waterbirds nesting on the South Island of the Hampton Roads Bridge tunnel, their temporary re-homing to Fort Wool/Rip-Rap Island and barges, and what the future may hold. She also emphasized the important role that bird conservation groups played in the successful interim resolution and hopefully will play in the successful long-term resolution.