Local ornithologist Dan Bieker is offering a fun field ornithology class this spring focusing on the birds of Central Virginia and the Blue Ridge Mountains. The class includes eight Friday morning field trips, March 28 through May 16. Classes meet (generally) 7 – 10 AM at different locations each week, including several private farms.
The outings are not overly strenuous, but a certain degree of physical stamina is required since we’ll be crossing streams and walking (at times) through brush and tall grass. No tests or grades, just learning birds by sight and sound.
Fee for the class is $220 payable as a tax deductible donation to the Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO), whose funds are used in the conservation of Virginia’s birdlife. The fee also includes membership to the VSO (fee is $200 if you’re already a member). Class is limited to just 16 participants so register soon! To register and learn more contact Dan: [email protected]