President Guy Babineau called the meeting to order with 35 members and guests present.
Membership chair Scott Connuck reported that membership is strong at 161. Our goal is 180. We have eleven new members this year. Scott’s mother Shirley Connuck was visiting from Northern Virginia.
Susan Babineau gave field trip updates for the First Saturday at Ivy Creek walk on December 7 and the trip to Bellair Farm on Sunday, December 8.
Jenny Gaden reminded members about the Christmas Bird Count on December 15. Jenny also reported on the Conservation Committee’s efforts to monitor the bird strikes at the YMCA. Between September 12 and November 15, the committee noted seventeen birds killed on the large, 24’ by 30’ window. Kathy Sudduth tabulated the study and will create a report along with recommendations for products to help reduce bird strikes.
Leah Surdukowski reported on the First Saturday Bird Walks at Ivy Creek, which are now in their 27th or 28th year. She asked for volunteers to lead the five spots open for the May, June, Sept., October, and November walks.
Bird sightings were shared. Myrlene Staten saw a flock of 22 turkeys recently. There was an incident of a Bald Eagle smashing into a glass window but was apparently unharmed and was able to escape. John Holden announced that this was a good year for pine nuts in Minnesota, which is causing the finches to stay in the area rather than migrating South.
Following Myrlene’s program on her birding trip to Iceland the members enjoyed refreshments and the annual door prize drawings. Happy Holidays!
Minutes submitted by Peggy Cornett, MBC secretary