-President Guy Babineau opened the meeting at 7:00 PM; attendance was 38.
-Treasurer Maynard Davis announced that the scholarship for the PVCC Field Ornithology Class, in the amount of $478, has been awarded to Emily Byers, who was at the meeting. The club’s financial summary is posted on the website. Maynard reviewed this year’s third annual Bird Photography Contest, which MBC is sponsoring without Charlottesville Camera Club. The contest theme is “Those Amazing Birds,” and the photos have to be from this past year. See the website for further details and instructions.
Field Trip Coordinator Susan Babineau reported on upcoming trips in February, including Feb. 9 to Myrlene Staten’s property and Feb. 23 to Glenmore.
-Membership Coordinator Myrlene Staten reported that, with 171 memberships, we are close to our goal of 175. She welcomed a number of guests and newcomers who were at the meeting.
Jenny Gaden reported on the 2018 Christmas Bird Count, which took place on December 15. The weather this year was good, 45-50 degrees and no rain. Fifty-two people participated. Two rare birds were reported: a Horned Grebe and the Baltimore Oriole that has overwintered at the home of Betty Mooney. They recorded a total of 74 species. The day ended with a pot luck supper at Nancy O’Brien’s. Afterward the group decided to divide the region into eight sectors, each with a captain, for the 2019 count.
Guy announced that the club will need three new board members for next year. Joanne Bricker (Club News Reporter), Lou Tanner (Programs) and Patty Kalbfleisch (Hospitality) will step down after this term.
-uy shared a recent complaint about birding activity on private property (Lone Oak Farm), which took place without prior permission. Members are reminded to always ask permission each time, even if the landowner allowed birding in the past. He also asked that members use discretion when discussing birding sites, especially on social media, and not to share locations. Finally, drive slowly when entering properties and be friendly.