contributed by Joanne Bricker, in lieu of Peggy Cornett
– Vice President Dan Bieker welcomed the 33 attendees and recognized newcomers.
– Maynard Davis, Treasurer, give a final report on the Bird Seed Sale and thanked all those who purchased bird seed. He also thanked and named the hosts of MBC members whose countless and varied volunteer efforts resulted in our second highest total sales ever in the amount of $13,985. There was a total of 136 orders; 71 of which were from non-member customers. Fourteen orders came from band new customers, and the average sale amount was $103. By Saturday night of Pick-up Day, every bit of the 17,000 tons of seed had been accounted for and distributed (or was soon to be delivered) to its correct buyer. The Bird Seed Sale also contributes to MBC’s community outreach efforts, as a large amount of seed is donated to classrooms at Venable, Stone Robinson, and Greer elementary schools and to the bird feeders at Ivy Creek Natural Area. Maynard commended Doug Rogers for his considerable assistance with the sale; and Doug, in turn, recognized Maynard as the driving force behind the sale. Maynard’s promethean efforts in managing and organizing all facets of the sale from beginning to end contributed once again to its great success.
-Myrlene Staten, Membership Chair, announced that our current membership is 153 (last year’s total at this time was 136), making us only 22 slots away from this year’s membership goal. We have 14 new members and Myrlene feels that our Facebook and internet presence have significantly contributed to bolstering our roster. Myrlene touted our Spudz lens cloths as a perfect seasonal “stocking stuffer” gift. She will have them available for sale ($6.00) at our December Monthly Meeting.
-Hospitality Chair, Patty Kalbfleisch, announced our plan to slightly downsize our annual Holiday Celebration at the December 5th Monthly Meeting. Patty will provide all the “goodies,” so no one needs to contribute to the food table. We will be holding the traditional Raffle after the speaker presentation, so please do bring a bird-related item (gently-used is fine) as a raffle item.
-Jenny Gaden reminded us that this year’s Charlottesville Christmas Bird Count will be held on Sunday, December 16th. Details are on the website, and Jenny will speak at more length about this event at December’s Monthly Meeting. There are many nearby counts that you may also want to participate in on differing dates, as CBC’s take place in Warren, Lake Anna, Prince Edward County, Gordonsville, and Waynesboro.
-Dan announced (for Susan Babineau) the upcoming Field Trip to Bellair Farm on Saturday, November 17th, to be led by Michelle McKenzie. He also mentioned the Virginia Beach Winter Wildlife Festival that MBC members might want to attend. Online registration for this event opens November 15th, and interested MBC members are encouraged to register on their own; MBC members may want to join forces at the event.
Bird Sightings – Nancy Newman recently observed the leucistic Kestrel which had been reported in Cape Charles on the Eastern Shore. JoAnn Dalley saw a Double-crested Cormorant and a Golden Eagle while at the Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch. Ron Kingston has seen Red-breasted Nuthatches and Purple Finches; other members confirmed similar observations of northern species during this irruptive fall season. Myrlene noted seeing an unusually large number of Blue Jays. Dan Bieker recommended that interested hawk watchers may want to travel to Hanging Rock in West Virginia, where the raptors often soar quite close to the fire tower observatory there, making for great viewing and photographing opportunities.
-Lou Tanner introduced the evening’s speaker, Baxter Beamer of the Blue Ridge Young Girders Club, who spoke about his Hog Island and other Audubon Camp and Cornell Young Birders experiences.