President Doug Rogers opened the meeting. Thirty-eight members and guests were in attendance, including first timer Burke Graham, a master naturalist who has just joined MBC.
Doug introduced a new club initiative to have a short membership sharing time (requested by members in advance of the meeting) to share highlights from recent trips, conferences, or birding experiences. This will be a way for members to learn about good resources and opportunities for birding trips. Myrlene Staten talked about her trip to western Australia, where she was thrilled to see a multi-colored Gouldian Finch.
Recent bird sightings were also shared. Nancy Newman noted the fourth nesting of bluebirds in her birdhouse. Two Ospreys were seen on Labor Day at Ivy Creek.
A second club initiative for 2017-18 is community outreach through an MBC speaker’s bureau. Vice President Dan Bieker and Susan Babineau will lead the effort and assist in contacting teachers who would like a bird club member to give a presentation to their class. MBC will review program content. Dan recommended “Flying WILD,” an upcoming training workshop at Ivy Creek Natural Area, October 19, offered by the VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, which teaches individuals how to facilitate bird education programs into their classrooms and in community events. A fee is charged for this three hour workshop. Contact: Mary Mapel [email protected] |540-363-5035 .
Treasurer Maynard Davis reported that MBC ended the fiscal year with about +$1000. This money will be spent on board approved projects, including providing two scholarships for Hog Island Audubon School and tuition for the PVCC Field Ornithology Class. Students must submit essays to be judged.
Membership chair Myrlene Staten talked about hosting a table at the Charlottesville City Market on two Saturdays (in spring and fall) to promote the club. Volunteers are needed. Prints from the photo contest were on display in the ICF classroom.
Bird Seed Sale chair, Bernice Melvin, was introduced. The order forms are on the MBC website and orders can be made online or the form can be printed and mailed in.
Jon Rockett was introduced as the new Field Trips chair, along with Kieran O’Connor. Trips are announced on the website and Facebook pages.
Publicity chair Susan Babineau announced that we have over 200 Facebook members.
Hospitality chair Patti Kalbfleisch proposed the idea of having a dinner at a local restaurant as a second club social, possibly in May after Warbler Week. There was some interest indicated by the members present.
Joanne Bricker, club reporter, would like to have a brief field trip report to post on the club website each month. Field Trips leaders can download the form from the website and mail it to MBC after the event.
Peggy Cornett brought booklets for Monticello’s upcoming Heritage Harvest Festival, September 8-9.
Prior to introducing the evening’s speaker, Teta Kane, Lou Tanner reminded members that Stauffer Miller will be the October speaker on birds of Mexico.